Defending Your Faith

Facts and Reasons for the Christian Worldview

Second Edition

This book presents substantial scientific, archaeological, and historical evidence in support of the Christian worldview. The author argues Christianity is the only religion that affirms God as revealed by nature, identifies the terrible predicament of mankind lost in sin, provides a unique solution to the predicament, and is confirmed true by miracles. Evidence from modern astronomy reveals a created biblical cosmos. Evidence from modern science reveals the earth is a privileged planet uniquely suited to support intelligent life, not by chance but by design. The inadequacies of evolutionary theory are explained. The author argues intelligent design and creation are superior explanations for the origin of life and the appearance of complex living organisms. Ancient Assyrian chronicles and monuments provide extrabiblical evidence of Old Testament people, places, and events. Archaeological evidence verifies that Israel’s pagan neighbors engaged in hideous religious practices, including extensive child sacrifice. The evidence shows God had morally sufficient reasons to destroy those nations. Examination of ancient manuscripts confirms the Bible was transmitted and translated accurately throughout history. Historical evidence supports belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and in the subsequent rise of the early church.

The second edition is available in Amazon paperback and Kindle. Below are links to two interviews about the first edition, and a link to Amazon for purchase of the second edition.

Interview on This Week in America With Ric Bratton

Interview on Triangle Media With Suzanne Lynn
