My Vision
My passion is that all peoples of every nationality, ethnicity, race, color, and creed hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and receive Him as their personal Lord and Savior. My goal is to contend for biblical truth with facts and reasons. I hope to reach and engage both open-minded skeptics as well as believers in Jesus. I hope skeptics will be persuaded to explore the Bible with an open mind and eventually come to saving faith in Jesus. I hope believers in Jesus will be edified by facts and reasons for faith, and be emboldened in their Christian witness. I pray daily that God would usher in a great worldwide spiritual awakening and revival, with a harvest of no less than a billion Jewish and gentile souls to the ends of the earth, with tens of millions of my fellow Americans among them, along with major transformation and reformation of the nations. I also have a special passion for the Jewish people. I am a committed supporter of the worldwide Messianic Jewish movement and the restoration of Israel. I pray daily that millions of Jews, both inside and outside of Israel, will be led to saving faith in Yeshua (Jesus).
Gadol Elohai.